About Meaningful Minds
Meaningful Minds is an independent organization dedicated to practical scientific research around *meaning. If you subscribe, you'll get email newsletters about new content when it's available.
Our goal is to create a space for scientifically grounded, yet clearly useful work on meaning as a fundamentally important area of inquiry and execution. We consider ourselves aspiring effective altruists, which is to say that we want to do the most good we can do. This practically translates to doing good work that spans theory and application in the broadest, most measurable way possible.
We're just starting to move all our ongoing research here so be patient--there's much more to come.
*meaning is of course a term that means a great many things. The way we like to think of it here is as a dynamic process with our self at the center. Part of this involves having conscious experiences of the world as being a certain way–of being richly colored by meaning. Another part is finding ourselves swept up in the grand narrative that is our own life story. Taken together, we experience meaningful moments and use those to fill our life stories.